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Sinergia Animal has been elected a 2020 Standout Charity by ACE

Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE) has elected Sinergia Animal as one of the most effective animal rights organizations in the world, placing us as a Standout Charity for the third year in a row, meaning that we are considered an organization that conducts strong work in ways that could potentially affect large numbers of animals, and there is confidence in the quality of our work.

Sinergia Animal is considered by ACE as an organization that works in the most high-impact cause areas and employs effective interventions. They estimate that we can impact the lives of 1.7 million animals each year.

The recommendation provides donors and other stakeholders the assurance that an investment in animals' future through a donation to a Standout Charity is a promising one. And despite Sinergia Animal being a young 3-year-old organization, we have been considered an ACE Standout Charity since 2018.

ACE on Sinergia Animal

"Sinergia Animal operates in Latin America and Southeast Asia, where the animal advocacy movement is relatively neglected. Their cage-free corporate outreach work and investigations program are particularly cost-effective at improving the welfare standards of farmed animals and strengthening the animal advocacy movement. Relative to other charities we reviewed this year, Sinergia Animal seems to have strong leadership and a healthy organizational culture. We find Sinergia Animal to be an excellent giving opportunity because of their strategic approach, cost-effective work, and their commitment to building the capacity of the movement and improving welfare standards for farmed animals in relatively neglected regions." — ACE, 2020 Evaluation

According to ACE's 2020 review, our campaigns for companies to make cage-free egg commitments, our undercover investigations, our monitoring companies' compliance with welfare standards, and our community organizing are "highly effective in improving animal rights and welfare standards."

The evaluation also highlights the importance of our strategy to exclusively work in relatively "neglected" countries, where farmed animals urgently need effective charities to create a better future for them. Sinergia only operates in the Global South — whose countries, because of their common history of colonization by northern, notably, European states, are currently characterized by low and mid-sized income, recent industrialization, and sometimes, weakened democracy. We currently have programs in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

ACE also evaluated our work culture and ethics and concluded that Sinergia Animal has a strong leadership and organizational culture. "Staff report high levels of job satisfaction and that leadership is attentive to the organization's strategy. We think that Sinergia Animal is relatively more diverse, equitable, and inclusive than other charities we reviewed this year," says ACE.

Help us keep up the good work

Although we could not be prouder of being recognized for our teams' hard work these past years, we know the struggle for animal rights and welfare is far from over. And so, we are far from being settled. And in order to expand our capacity and continue our work toward a world in which animals can live free, we need all the help we can get. Please stand with us and take part in this change by donating here.



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