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4 Ways Virtual Activism Can Change the World

Animal abuse, wildfires, hunger, pandemics... These are some of the thousands of problems affecting the world. With so many challenges to face, do you sometimes feel frustrated because you think there is nothing you can do to help?

We can fix these problems, but we must decide to make change happen. If all of us focus our efforts on actions we can take, we can achieve a better world. We want to give you 4 ways virtual activism can help change the world.

1. Virtual activism can unify the voices of people all around the world

Thanks to the internet, today we can find spaces where our voices can unify and we can organize to create stronger movements with greater ability to make noise. Virtual platforms give us the opportunity to actively participate in social movements from any place in the world. With one tweet or Instagram post or Facebook message, you can express your dissent and your concern for the fires in the Amazon, or the Peruvian political crisis, or whale hunting in Japan—all in a fast and decentralized manner.

One example of this type of advocacy is our international actions. At least once a month, Sinergia Animal’s activists have the opportunity to support campaigns taking place in other countries. It doesn’t matter whether you are in Latin America or in Asia, we are all working together for the animals.

2. Your voice can directly reach the big leaders of the world

In the past, it was hard to take part in important meetings or even make contact with decision makers. Today, this is possible thanks to Twitter, which gives us a direct channel with political, business and social leaders. In a respectful fashion, we can show disagreement and alternatives. You can even watch meetings between decision makers in real time and be part of the process.

Remember the action we took demanding that investment banks divest from factory farming? Thanks to all the tweets sent and the pressure put on the event, we were able to get one of our questions debated by Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation. The answers were heard by executives of the major divestment banks and foundations of the world. We hope they consider divesting from factory farming and redirecting finances to more sustainable food systems.

3. From cyberactivism to the streets

Thanks to these platforms, we can unite people who are working for a common cause and bring them to the streets. Because of cyberactivism, we are able to connect with people in real life. We have created bonds and friendships. We’ve had many important moments while taking our message to the streets, and have spoken for millions of caged hens. That’s how you build a movement—with patience and unity.

4. One click can be political

You’ve probably seen how many demands have been responded to by companies after they were exposed on the internet. Although we all dream about rescuing a cow, a pig, or a chicken from the hell of a factory farm—or about rescuing any other animal that lives under violent conditions—this isn’t always physically possible. However, sometimes the pressure a campaign is able to apply is so strong that institutions can no longer resist; they have nothing left to do but act.

We have spent years doing activism from our homes, a patient and constant activism. We share the news, expose cruel practices and debate ideas on how to treat animals—and today we see animals starting to be considered. In 2017, Sinergia Animal started a dialogue that almost seemed to be getting nowhere in many Latin American and South Asian countries. “Hens can feel and cages are cruel!” But it takes patience to build a movement, and it pays off. Today we have achieved more than 40 commitments in Latin America from companies that are stopping or will stop supporting these systems. In Colombia, a legislation project is taking place that will allow buyers to know where products come from and the cruelty entailed in producing them.

To denounce and show the truth to a world that has normalized the cruelty with which we treat animals is already a revolutionary act. A tweet, a text message, a truth being’s always better than remaining silent. Never think that you can’t do anything. Raising our voices can change the lives of animals. Be an activist!



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